

Looking for a location for your pictures or video that has an authentic feel, a link with our illustrious mining heritage, or just an industrial look? Then you’re at the right place in C-mine.

Request a photo shoot


To organise a photo shoot at C-mine, please reserve in advance. You can take pictures in public areas, including the compressor hall, the foyer/entrance hall or the design centre – depending on the activities taking place at those locations. Please complete the application form, and you will swiftly receive a reply. On the day of your photoshoot, please bring proof of approval (e.g. email on your phone).

Request your photo shoot


Public order

Photo shoots must be in accordance with public order and common decency. Toilets and public areas are not to be used as dressing or make-up areas. A meeting room can be reserved for these purposes, at applicable rates.


Photoshoot Barenzaal

Photoshoots in the Barenzaal, an authentic banquet hall with an industrial touch, are possible if the space is available and by appointment. This will require a fee of €365 a day and the supervisor. You may submit a request for a photoshoot in this area via


Photoshoot C-mine square

Photoshoots on the C-mine square require neither reservation nor payment.

But do note that specific rules apply for picturing artwork 'Labyrint'. Photo or video images of 'Labyrint' are permitted only for private use. As an architectural collective, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh considers the autonomy of its work very important. As a work of art, Labyrint tells its own story. The collective wants to prevent Labyrint from being reframed in a different context.


Photoshoots on the C-mine square that include vehicles are permitted only under strict conditions. Please contact us in advance, via